The ABCs of Customer Engagement

pexels-pixabay-278887Customer engagement is changing the way companies do business and quickly becoming a key factor in customer retention and attraction. Customer engagement is an ongoing process that touches each stage of the customer life cycle – way beyond the point of sale.

A quality customer engagement strategy can create a competitive edge by improving the effectiveness of marketing efforts, promoting customer loyalty, increasing brand awareness, improving customer retention and the willingness to recommend your products and services to others.

But where do you begin? Below are some tips and tricks to help get you started…

A = attentive

Be attentive to customer questions and requests. Prompt response time builds both loyalty and trust.

B = buzz

Existing customers are a great way to create a buzz about new products or services. Provide exclusive access and “sneak peeks” to inspire testimonials and increase excitement about your brand.

C= co-creation

What’s a great way to develop a more interactive dialogue with customers? Co-creation is mutually beneficial and can be a powerful tool for innovation, content creation and deepening relationships.

D = delight

Delight customers by focusing on exceeding expectations and creating the best customer experience possible. Check out Forrester’s new book to find out more about how you can transform your organization by making customers the center of your universe.

E = empower

Empower customers to sing your praises and refer business by providing tools that make it easy. Create a referral program that enables member customers to offer special deals or reward them for each new referral. Referral Candy and Expect Referrals are very simple and easy to use tools that can help with this process.

F = fresh

Just like the Kool and the Gang song suggests, you need to keep it fresh…and exciting! Most things decay over time – content is no exception. In order to keep customer interest high (and your SEO rankings in check) schedule new articles, videos, and webcasts for release on a regular basis.

G = germane

I don’t know about anyone else, but I receive junk emails all the time that clearly illustrate the sender knows nothing about me at all – I find it rather annoying. When connecting with customers, it’s important that the information presented is germane to them as it pertains to your connection. Know your audience.

H = human element

When companies connect with customers, it’s important to incorporate a human element. Build a distinct persona for your brand and ensure that all teams participating in customer interaction (service, print, social media, contests, live events) remain consistent in their representation of your brand and stay true to the persona.

I = influencers

Identify influencers early and engage, engage, engage. An “influencer” is a person that has the potential to reach a large number of people relevant to your brand. Influencers are often seen as trusted advisors and held in high regard in their respective communities – both online and offline. Gaining influencer support can be a great tool for increasing the visibility of your products and services and supporting the integrity of your brand.

J = jovial

Keep communications cheerful and friendly, or jovial, when possible. Incorporating humor into communications is a good thing – almost everyone can appreciate a good laugh. Just be sure to take timing and relevance into consideration. Smiles can be contagious, and a good punch line has the potential to be quoted over and over, which can really extend your reach. J

K = K.I.S.S.

Keep it simple, stupid. Need I say more?

L = listening

I cannot stress the importance of really listening to customers. Make an effort to listen by collecting customer comments and monitoring social media chatter about your brand on a regular basis. Then actually usethe information collected when considering new products or services, or evaluating existing ones – focusing on the customer’s perceived value.

M = measureable

How do you know if your efforts are effective? Make sure that they are measurable. When developing an engagement plan and setting goals, always bring your yard stick. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) in advance and create a scorecard so it is easy to maintain a clear picture of how you’re performing and make adjustments, as needed. That way you can spend your time, effort, and budget on initiatives that are really making a difference.

N = networking

Never underestimate the power of networking – both in person and online. When you give your customers a place to connect with each other, you are showing them that their voices matter. Customer communities can deliver tremendous value by providing an opportunity to share common interests, answer questions, and increase visibility of additional products and services. They can also increase the success that customers experience with your products and services by allowing them to learn from other customer experiences.

0 = organized

Building good business relationships requires consistency and relevancy. Have a plan and be organized. Taking the time to define and configure your customer engagement model is well worth the effort. Set goals, identify tactics for measuring results and tracking performance, and create a calendar of content and activities.

P = personalized

Show your customers you know them by providing personalized content. Providing a personalized experience can help meet customer needs more effectively and efficiently.

Q = question

Be confident when you ask the Ultimate Question (would you recommend us?). Net Promoter Score can be a good way for many companies to measure both customer engagement and customer experience. Engaged customers are typically more loyal. Loyal customers are more likely to also be promoters, which can contribute to your growth. It just makes sense.

R= reward

Reward your loyal and engaged customers – interactive promotions can be a fun way to show appreciation. Designed to drive measurable results, these marketing programs include contests, sweepstakes, and incentives. Since they have a “fun factor” and are entertaining, customers will often help spread the word and become active participants in your marketing efforts.

S = social media

Social media is a vital component to any customer engagement strategy. According to a recent post on, customers who engage with a brands online (including via social media) report spending 20% to 40% more on that brand, or on that company’s products. It takes more than just developing an online presence – it takes a cohesive strategy and execution plan. For tips on how to make the most of your social media efforts, check out Michelle Golden’s book Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms: The Guide to Establishing Credibility and Accelerating Relationships.

T = thought leadership content

Why is publishing thought leadership content important? It shows that your company has taken an active interest in improving the business of your customers – above and beyond what your products and services deliver. An excellent way to position your company as a thought leader within a certain industry or niche is to develop relationships with and support industry thought leaders outside of your company. Working in tandem to develop rich content that is desirable and beneficial to your customers can help build a bridge to developing a deeper relationship and can improve your overall reputation.

U = understand

The best way to develop targeted, effective communications with your customers is to really understand them. Customer insights can help you better focus your products on providing solutions for their evolving business needs – not just ways to pitch your product.

V = voice

The voice of the customer is important. Capturing customer feedback and incorporating it into future planning can help give companies a competitive edge. When launching a new product, be sure to call out which features were developed as a result of customer feedback.


Always remember to out yourself in your customers’ shoes and ask “What’s in it for me?” (WIFM). The benefit of the product or service from the customers’ perspective is what’s important.

X = xtra xtra!

Xtra! Xtra! Read all about it! Share exciting news with loyal customers first – it will make them feel special and enthusiastic about helping extend your reach to their sphere of influence.

Y = yippee

Take a moment to share a collective yippee with customers – not only when you win, but also when they do. Keep your ear to the ground for news about your customers and help socialize and celebrate their successes, too.

Z = Zen

Remember to keep it Zen.

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